Tuesday, 31 December 2024

DEC 31, 24 .. NEW YEAR'S EVE 2024..

 New Year's Eve 2024. 

Where did 2024 disappear to?

We just finished Christmas.

For some reason, that takes me immediately back to Charles Dickens' and to his Ebenezer Scrooge and to Ghosts of Christmas Past.

I wonder how many of us could write about our own Ghosts of New Year's Eves?

And of our own fireworks.

In his way, Ebenezer Scrooge solved his troubled past with some spiritual tools embodied in our 12 Steps.

Step 4 Inventory. Step 5 Confession. Step 9 Amends. Step 11 Prayer. Step 12 Helping others.

On New Year's Eve 2024, Patti and I wish each and every one of you a very happy, safe, and sober day.

Thursday, 28 November 2024


The word thanks has several synonyms.

One of them is gratitude.

On Thanksgiving Day, it fits to discuss gratitude.

At one time, it has been a few decades ago now, I used to get bored when the topic of a meeting was gratitude.

Then one day the following thought occurred to me.

Our brain can think about many things BUT it can only think about one thing at any given nanosecond.

Doctor William Duncan Silkworth wrote in the Doctors' Opinion the following words.

"Men and women drink essentially because they like the effect produced by  alcohol."

Translation: We drink to change how we feel.

Enter gratitude.

IF we can focus our mind upon things we are grateful for, we don't need to take a drink to change how we are feeling.

Make sense?

It sure does to me!

We hope you enjoyed a very


Sunday, 27 October 2024

OCT 27, 24 .. THE TENTH STEP AND THE 12 AND 12..

Here we are, it's October the 10th month, when many meetings discuss Step 10.

If I had to name just one step that I personally feel is the most important to me, it would be Step 10.

Doctor Bob's last words to Bill W. were.. 

"Remember Bill, let's not louse this thing up. Let's keep it simple."

Some members may not know that, until the Big Book was written, beginning in 1938 and published on April 10th, 1939, there were no steps to be followed. 

The one and most important thing we share with the early members, is the magic of one alcoholic working with another alcoholic sharing their own experience.

Written by Bill W. and published in 1953, 18 years after Bill and Doctor Bob met and began what was to become AA, The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions (The 12 and 12) explains the 24 basic principles of Alcoholics Anonymous and their application.

Below, on page 92 of the 12 and 12, in my humble opinion, are some of the most important words in all of written recovery literature..

Finally, we begin to see that all people, including ourselves, are to some extent emotionally ill as well as frequently wrong, and then we approach true tolerance and see what real love for our fellows actually means. It will become more and more evident as we go forward that it is pointless to become angry, or to get hurt by people who, like us, are suffering from the pains of growing up.

So there you have it. October. Step 10. 

Your Ally .. S.W. in London (for anonymity) 

Sunday, 29 September 2024


I know! I am like the preacher preaching to the Choir who have heard this sermon before! 

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Yesterday, The New York Post published a Fox news report flatly stating that... 

Drinking alcohol is linked to six types of cancer, experts say: "It's toxic."

Below is a link to the above news report.

More than 5% of all cancer cases are attributed to drinking alcohol, new report reveals.

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Last January the 27th 2024 we published a Post about the World Health Organization stating that No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health.

Below is a link to that report..

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Sobering news!

Let's not take a drink today!

Thursday, 29 August 2024


I can't speak for anyone else, but I think at least a few of us have our 'Heroes' in A.A.

What is an 'A.A. Hero'? Another member who we really relate to.

Perhaps my favorite 'Hero' was Bob Earll. Bob would often begin a talk with the following words as he stood at the speakers podium: "I wonder what I am going to say?"

Then he would fuss and fidget with the podium and then begin to share his experience, strength and hope.

Back in December of 2018, I was, by invitation, speaking at a number of A.A. meetings in the town of Kyzyl, located in the Republic of Tuva, in Russia Siberia.

I had been speaking at typical local A.A. meetings located in various rooms, treatment centers, jails, churches and other institutions including some public meetings.

On this day I had been asked to speak at the main Kyzyl Hospital.

No big deal! Correct? I've been here and I've done this.

I thought, I assumed, that I would be speaking at a hospital based treatment center for alcoholics or perhaps a local A.A. meeting located in the hospital.

Mike, my translator, and I began by being escorted from the main entrance into the suite of the hospital chief executive (CEO). There I was hailed as a 'hero' by the CEO. Photos of us together were taken. I noticed a wall full of photos of various people with the CEO so I figured this was his routine.

So far, so good.

Then this small entourage (a group of people attending or surrounding an important person) of us proceeded to a room where hospital staff members were entering along with us.

Mike, myself, and the CEO, took our place on an elevated stage as the room continued to fill up with attendees.

Suddenly it occurred to me! 

"Oh No! This is not an A.A. Meeting. These are doctors and other medical personnel. What on earth am I going to say!"

And Bob Earll came to mind! 

Finally, the room filled, everyone got silent and settled, and I was introduced to the audience (all in the Russian language).

And I was (trust me!) intensely thinking.. "What on earth am I going to say!"

Mike said, time to speak!

As I slowly, and deliberately, stood up, I was still thinking.. "What on earth am I going to say!"

After coming to full attention, I stood silently for maybe ten seconds, looking out at my audience and the following words came out of my mouth..

"I have bad news for you this afternoon! You think that I have answers to the problem of alcoholism. I am sorry, neither myself nor anyone else has the answers as to what causes alcoholism, how to cure it, and how to deal with it!"

"I am a member of a program called Alcoholics Anonymous or A.A. IF someone wants to stop drinking alcohol, then perhaps we in A.A. can assist them to become sober."

I then talked for ninety (90) full minutes. 

Below is a photo that I snapped.

When I give a talk such as this, I stress to my audience: "If you have any questions, please interrupt me at any time, because you will forget your questions by the time I finish my talk." 

In my humble opinion, based upon the barrage of questions that I received during and after my talk, it was well received. 

Tuesday, 30 July 2024


To put it mildly, Patti and I have quite a collection of AA Grapevine Magazines.

We have subscribed to the Grapevine continuously since 1988 and our stack of past issues dates back to 1988. No we don't have each and every issue but we do have a lot of them.

Almost daily we try to read stories and discuss them.

A few weeks ago, I asked Patti to "reach into our collection and just pull out one issue at random."

She did just that and handed me a February issue from the year 2000. Think of that! We have had this issue over twenty four (24) years!

Then absolutely 100% totally at random I casually opened the February 2000 issue to page 30. 

Some of you may have a subscription to the Grapevine Archives that date back to 1946.

What an absolute treasure the above story is! 

Neither of us had any even dim, vague recollection of having read the story! 

If you would like to read it, but you are not able to find the article, contact us and we will help you out.

Let's not pick up a drink today!

One way to keep on the road to sobriety is prayer. This being July, the 7th month of the year, we hope you all know, and use not only the 7th Step Prayer, but the 3rd Step Prayer as well as others of your choosing.

Friday, 28 June 2024


Assumptions are so dangerous but I have to assume that everyone who visits this site knows full well what Founder's Day in early June, at Doctor Bob's Home, in Akron, Ohio, is all about.

Patti and I have attended Founder's Day. It truly was a "once in a lifetime" event for us. I want to emphasize the word once.

The crowds are simply stunning. Lines and more lines to view all of the absolute myriad of "don't miss seeing" A.A. attractions in Akron that truly are "beyond the beyond". 

In the below photo, Doctor Bob's Home is on the right and some A.A. Archives are in the home on the left.

So yes! Go to Akron. Return to Akron. Do this again and again and again. But one Founder's Day, and this includes the previous week, was quite enough for both of us. Almost any other day of the year, there are either no lines, or very minimal ones.

Doctor Bob's Home as you will see it "most of the year".

Three of our close friends, Tim, John and Martha, contributed many of the photos in this Post to us. 

Since I am "discussing the crowds", here are two more photos of crowds at a Founder's Day event at a local athletic field.

John and Martha in front of Doctor Bob's Home.

The Akron Intergroup Office MUST be visited. Their archives are amazing. 

Sister Ignatia's work at St. Thomas Hospital was so important during the early days of A.A.

Sad to say, the section of the former St. Thomas Hospital that honored the nation's first hospital-based unit dedicated to the treatment of alcoholism and its strong ties to Alcoholics Anonymous has closed. The items that were inside have new homes in Akron. 

The Mayflower Hotel, which no longer exists and is now an apartment complex, was another famous place in the development of A.A.

In the lobby of the present building are some A.A. related historical artifacts.

It was from a pay phone in the lobby that Bill Wilson made the call that led him to meeting Doctor Bob.

Tim at the pay phone.

Thanks again Tim, Martha and John for your photos. 

Wednesday, 29 May 2024


I am stunned. 

I can not possibly imagine, after being active on this website for almost ten years, why I have never discussed the topic of A.A. members getting, and using, outside help and assistance from medical professionals.

We MUST begin with Tradition 5.

Each group has but one primary purpose -- to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers.

Sports Fans, THAT IS IT for us. We share our own experience, strength and hope with other alcoholics to help them stop drinking alcohol. 

If I fall down, and break a hip, please take me to a Medical Doctor NOT to an AA Meeting!

Just stopping drinking alcohol will NOT solve each and every single life issue that we all have. 

Now let's read what page 133 of the AA Big Book says..

God has abundantly supplied this world with fine doctors, psychologists, and practitioners of various kinds. Do not hesitate to take your health problems to such persons. Try to remember that though God has wrought miracles among us, we should never belittle a good doctor or psychiatrist. Their services are often indispensable in treating a newcomer and in following his case afterward.

The "Stage is now Set".

Just the other day..


On line, on my smart phone's AAGRAPEVINE App, April 2024 issue, I continued the above article..

Back in the mid-1980's, Clancy I (who was a personal friend of mine) was saying from his speaker's podium that people who were using psychiatric medications were not working the AA Program. 

As a result of this flawed thinking, some people stopped taking prescribed medications and began successfully committing suicide!

Yes! Oh Yes! I know the above is "Old Stuff" that dates back into the mid-1980's. 

In the years since, I myself have openly shared my own issues in meetings and heard countless others do the same. The 12 Steps on the meeting wall will NOT cure physiological brain chemistry problems.

We also have (something like 349) AA pamphlets that address mental health and countless other 'outside' issues.

But I had not evenly "remotely" touched this very serious issue here on our website and wanted to "finally" do so.

Monday, 29 April 2024

APR 29, 24 .. SOBRIETY..

 Sometimes photos speak more than words.

The below photos were taken from our hotel room here in Laughlin, Nevada.

Sobriety is enjoying what is right in front of you.

Our room overlooks a swimming pool. I was casually looking out at the pool.

Suddenly I called out, "Patti there is a male Mallard Duck in the swimming pool! Come and see!"

What fun. Today, right now, this instant, this IS sobriety.

With Patti in our room taking photos, I went down to the swimming pool for a much closer look at the fun!

No one was feeding the duck. Guests were just watching him.

Up close and personal!

Hello Mister Mallard Duck!

Ahhhhhh. Sobriety! Isn't it wonderful!

All we have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride!

Wednesday, 27 March 2024


Yes! You betcha! I full well know and realize that it is not August (month 8), September (month 9) nor is it October (month 10), the three months we usually think of when the topic is amends 

When I received the below thought in a recent text message from a friend in the program, I absolutely had to post it here.

Whew huh?

It took my breath away!

In my opinion, here is the "Bottom Line".

We do not make amends for the other person. We make amends for ourselves. We clean our side of the street with an amend.

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I can't tell you how many times the above words have been true for me. I could write a short book about the times I made an amend to someone I did nothing to nor harmed in any way BUT I did upset and disturb them without having any idea whatsoever that I did when "they unloaded" on me.

How about some "details".

Back in (this is a "SWAG" * as to the year) March of 2000, the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race was underway in Alaska.

*SWAG - Some Wild Ass Guess.

A friend from the State of Georgia and his wife had come up to Fairbanks and was driving out (it is a 160 mile drive) to Manley Hot Springs to see the race. It is very rare that the Iditarod passes through Manley Hot Springs.

En route out from Fairbanks, he and his wife encountered some problems with their automobile. Someone from Manley passed them and stopped to assist them. Unable to do so, they continued out to Manley, found me and told me of the situation and exactly where they were located on the road.

I immediately contacted Ernie, who long ago passed away, a close neighbor in Manley and also a "best friend" and told him of the situation. He prepared to go out and find them and, if necessary, tow them into Manley.

The stage is set.

Absolutely, totally, 100% unknown to me, my friends from Georgia were able to get to Manley. They did not let me know. They did not check in with me. 

I had absolutely no knowledge they had gotten to Manley!!

Then Ernie (to this day I don't know how he found out) came to my cabin "in a rage" and I mean "in a rage" he "tore into me".

I was "dumbfounded" because I had no idea my friends had gotten to Manley.

Did I owe Ernie an amend?

What exactly did I do wrong?

If I hadn't gotten Ernie involved, nothing would have come of this.

BUT I did get him involved. So I made both a verbal and a handwritten amend to him.

No! Ernie was, in no way sorry for his verbal explosion, and he never apologized to me.

BUT I saved our friendship and I felt that I "did the next right thing".

By The Way! 

In 2002 my friend from Georgia, entered, participated in the Iditarod, and finished the race. The only human being from the State of Georgia to accomplish this remarkable feat of finishing an Iditarod Sled Dog Race. 

Wednesday, 28 February 2024


Tim McB, a long time, very good friend in the program, recently visited Doctor Bob's Home in Akron, Ohio. Tim sent me a few photos that he snapped while visiting not only Doctor Bob's home, but other A.A. Historical Sites in Akron.

It has been many (read MANY) years since I last published some photos of Doctor Bob's home. I used Tim's photos as a impetus to post, not only Tim's recent photos, but a few that I have taken during my visits to Doctor Bob's home dating back to August of 1988! This was "long before" I had established this website.

Will any of you explain to me "Just where the time flies away to!"

Doctor Bob's Home, Akron, Ohio.


In the above photo, off to the left of Doctor Bob's Home, is a large Ceremonial Rock.

In the below photo, taken at a later date, the Ceremonial Rock has been moved to the right side of Doctor Bob's Home.

A close up photo of the Ceremonial Rock.

I point this out because there are on-going changes and improvements to Doctor Bob's Home.

Where will The Rock be if you visit tomorrow?

Only The Shadow Knows!

The living room.

The Kitchen.

If you would like to see far more photos of Doctor Bob's Home, please click onto the below link.

One of the many very important A.A. Historical Sites in Akron, is what once was the Mayflower Hotel.

If you want the exact details of the below story, please turn to pages 136 and 137, of the A.A. Conference approved book, "Pass It On". 

Bill Wilson was in the Mayflower Hotel in May of 1935.

Feeling in a depressed mood because of a failed business attempt, Bill was in the lobby of the hotel and felt a "calling" to go into the Bar and perhaps have a ginger ale and join the happy throng in the Bar.

Bill suddenly thought, "I need another alcoholic to talk to."

Our friend Tim McB at the ancient, and no longer operational, pay phone.

Bill Wilson went to the pay phone in the lobby of The Mayflower Hotel and decided to call The Reverend Walter F. Tunks and ask him if he knew of any alcoholics that he could call. 

The Reverend Tunks gave Bill the phone number of Henrietta Seiberling. Bill went back to his room and called her.

A.A. as we now know it was in its earliest stage of birth.

Thanks Tim McB so very much for inspiring me to publish this Post.

Saturday, 27 January 2024


There are many outstanding meetings in Hong Kong. 

On page 62 of the November 2023 issue of the AA Grapevine Magazine, I came across a reference to an extremely interesting article about alcohol that I want to share.

No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health.

I can clearly recall many, MANY, articles stating that "some" red wine is beneficial to humans.

Although more research is needed, some studies show that red wine is good for heart health because it helps reduce the risk of plaque buildup in the arteries. Resveratrol, a polyphenol in red wine, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and may reduce the risk of cancer by discouraging cancer cell growth.

If you would like to read more about theories of red wine being good for one's health, please click onto the below link..

And many other various articles that stipulate "safe levels" of alcohol consumption.

I idly wonder to myself how many of you reading this are thinking to yourself : 

"I don't care what the World Health Organization says!"

Some say that the above attitude is the "Alcoholic Personality" speaking.

Personally I like to look at, to ponder, yes study, such proclamations.

Your Call .. 

You can ..

1. Click onto the below link and read more.

2. Skip it.

For What It's Worth .. There you have it.

Monday, 1 January 2024


Don't Drink..

Find an AA meeting and go inside.

Don't Drink..

Take the cotton out of your ears..

Don't Drink..

Put the cotton in your mouth and listen..

Don't Drink..

Get a Sponsor..

Don't Drink..

Get a Big Book..

Don't Drink..

Read the Big Book..

Don't Drink..

Begin working the 12 Steps..

Don't Drink..

Find a Higher Power..

Don't Drink..

Help another Alcoholic..

Don't Drink..

Get into service work..

Don't Drink..

Don't die..

You will end up with a lot of Sober Days.

That IS all there is to IT!

Smiles and again, have a Happy Sober New Year 2024.