I can't speak for anyone else, but I think at least a few of us have our 'Heroes' in A.A.
What is an 'A.A. Hero'? Another member who we really relate to.
Perhaps my favorite 'Hero' was Bob Earll. Bob would often begin a talk with the following words as he stood at the speakers podium: "I wonder what I am going to say?"
Then he would fuss and fidget with the podium and then begin to share his experience, strength and hope.
Back in December of 2018, I was, by invitation, speaking at a number of A.A. meetings in the town of Kyzyl, located in the Republic of Tuva, in Russia Siberia.
I had been speaking at typical local A.A. meetings located in various rooms, treatment centers, jails, churches and other institutions including some public meetings.
On this day I had been asked to speak at the main Kyzyl Hospital.
No big deal! Correct? I've been here and I've done this.
I thought, I assumed, that I would be speaking at a hospital based treatment center for alcoholics or perhaps a local A.A. meeting located in the hospital.
Mike, my translator, and I began by being escorted from the main entrance into the suite of the hospital chief executive (CEO). There I was hailed as a 'hero' by the CEO. Photos of us together were taken. I noticed a wall full of photos of various people with the CEO so I figured this was his routine.
So far, so good.
Then this small entourage (a group of people attending or surrounding an important person) of us proceeded to a room where hospital staff members were entering along with us.
Mike, myself, and the CEO, took our place on an elevated stage as the room continued to fill up with attendees.
Suddenly it occurred to me!
"Oh No! This is not an A.A. Meeting. These are doctors and other medical personnel. What on earth am I going to say!"
And Bob Earll came to mind!
Finally, the room filled, everyone got silent and settled, and I was introduced to the audience (all in the Russian language).
And I was (trust me!) intensely thinking.. "What on earth am I going to say!"
Mike said, time to speak!
As I slowly, and deliberately, stood up, I was still thinking.. "What on earth am I going to say!"
After coming to full attention, I stood silently for maybe ten seconds, looking out at my audience and the following words came out of my mouth..
"I have bad news for you this afternoon! You think that I have answers to the problem of alcoholism. I am sorry, neither myself nor anyone else has the answers as to what causes alcoholism, how to cure it, and how to deal with it!"
"I am a member of a program called Alcoholics Anonymous or A.A. IF someone wants to stop drinking alcohol, then perhaps we in A.A. can assist them to become sober."
I then talked for ninety (90) full minutes.
Below is a photo that I snapped.
When I give a talk such as this, I stress to my audience: "If you have any questions, please interrupt me at any time, because you will forget your questions by the time I finish my talk."
In my humble opinion, based upon the barrage of questions that I received during and after my talk, it was well received.