Tim McB, a long time, very good friend in the program, recently visited Doctor Bob's Home in Akron, Ohio. Tim sent me a few photos that he snapped while visiting not only Doctor Bob's home, but other A.A. Historical Sites in Akron.
It has been many (read MANY) years since I last published some photos of Doctor Bob's home. I used Tim's photos as a impetus to post, not only Tim's recent photos, but a few that I have taken during my visits to Doctor Bob's home dating back to August of 1988! This was "long before" I had established this website.
Will any of you explain to me "Just where the time flies away to!"
Doctor Bob's Home, Akron, Ohio.
I point this out because there are on-going changes and improvements to Doctor Bob's Home.
Where will The Rock be if you visit tomorrow?
Only The Shadow Knows!
The living room.
If you would like to see far more photos of Doctor Bob's Home, please click onto the below link.
Bill Wilson went to the pay phone in the lobby of The Mayflower Hotel and decided to call The Reverend Walter F. Tunks and ask him if he knew of any alcoholics that he could call.
The Reverend Tunks gave Bill the phone number of Henrietta Seiberling. Bill went back to his room and called her.
A.A. as we now know it was in its earliest stage of birth.
Thanks Tim McB so very much for inspiring me to publish this Post.