When it comes to having a spiritual experience, as a direct result of working one of the 12 steps, step 9 is really very special.
And then voila, when we are halfway through step 9, here come the 9th Step Promises on pages 83 and 84 of the A.A. Big Book!!
I want to share about the spiritual experience that I recognize I experienced (get this!!) when I DID NOT MAKE AN AMEND!
Appendix II at the back of the A.A. Big Book simply says in part that a spriritual experience is a change in our relation to life itself and such a change could hardly have been brought about by ourselves.
When we make an amend we are (on the spot) doing something different (which is itself a change) in that we are recognizing that for us to get better we must change by making amends. Our making 9th Step amends is exactly that, a real change when we go back to people we may have harmed and expressing our willingness to do what we can to make things right with that person or organization.
Now I will give you all a personal example of a spiritual awakening or experience involving (and this is important) another member of the A.A. fellowship.
I love Doctor Bob's words in the book Doctor Bob and the Good Oldtimers : IF you love everybody in A.A. you haven't been going to enough meetings!
Following a share I made in a meeting, after the meeting one of the (call it) 'unloveable ones' came up to me and began to 'bait me' with some sarcastic words about my share. I was about to get into a nasty verbal argument with this fellow member of the A.A. Fellowship. Suddenly (as in instantly I paused) and I realized that IF I said what I was thinking of saying then I would owe that member an amend and worse he who would also know I owed him an amend.
So? I kept my mouth shut and said nothing so I wouldn't have to make an amend.
Wow! What a change.
The best amend for me was the one I did not have to make!
And there you have it! Me not attacking him was a change in me and as such a good example of a spritual awakening due to working the steps.
God Bless You and Best Wishes on your Spiritual Journey.