ELEGEST / ЭЛЕГЕСТ is located about 75 kilometers Southwest of Kyzyl here in Russian Siberia. The drive each way is just over one hour.
I was invited to visit ELEGEST / ЭЛЕГЕСТ to speak at a treatment center located there.
It turned out to be a very special day. ELEGEST / ЭЛЕГЕСТ is a very small village out in the middle of nothing. I spoke to two groups of people.
The first group consisted of members of the local community who were interested in issues of community alcoholism. After this general orientation meeting for the community, we then held an A.A. meeting for patients at the treatment center.
ELEGEST / ЭЛЕГЕСТ here we come. Off we go in a very nice van into the midst of remote Russian Siberia.
The below photos, taken en route to ЭЛЕГЕСТ / ELEGEST, give you an idea of what this part of Russian Siberia looks like.
We've arrived at our turnoff to ЭЛЕГЕСТ / ELEGEST.
You don't even want to think about having any sort of car trouble out here!
We've arrived at the treatment center here in ЭЛЕГЕСТ / ELEGEST Russian Siberia.
I was offered a chance to lay down and rest awhile. I graciously took advantage of this opportunity.
Then came a meal-to-end-all-meals.
Then, for the better part of an hour, I addressed the members of the ELEGEST / ЭЛЕГЕСТ general community. We took a break and then I addressed the patients.
Then I was given a tour of the treatment center. Way out here, in the middle of nowhere in Russian Siberia, is this small treatment center with a devoted staff and patients eager to change their lives. The day was a deeply touching experience for me.
The Dalai Lama.
The patients make a lot of gifts for charity purposes.
Below is a close up of the picture the lady is pointing at in the above photo.
There is an emphasis on holistic methods of treatment.
A dorm room.
In the next two photos, do you see the top of a Buddhist Temple?
I then went outside of the treatment center and snapped the below photo.
ELEGEST / ЭЛЕГЕСТ is in the heart of the Tuva Republic. The Tuva Republic borders Mongolia. A large portion of the residents are of Mongolian descent. Mongolia is a Buddhist country.
These few words of conclusion can in no way express the deep feelings of humility I feel for having been given the opportunity to visit this treatment center.