Friday, 30 December 2016


Back in the late autumn of 2014, at the St. Joseph's Church morning meeting in Hong Kong where I was living at the time, I heard a saying that has become one of my most important Spiritual Tools:

Play the tape all the way through.

To that I added another powerful spiritual tool.

Think the drink.

Rhetorical Question : Do you really think, do you really believe, that long timers are NEVER tempted to pick up a drink ?

And yet another amazing spiritual tool:

Be-On-Guard for the unguarded moment.

We have several life phases. Two of them are : The Physical and The Spiritual.

In life's Physical Phase, we are NOT equal. 

I would have a difficult time dog trotting 100 yards, let alone run 100 yards in ten seconds. At my age (I am now in my 80's) I can no longer even dream about doing physical activities that I routinely did as a young, enlisted member of the United States Marine Corps. In fact it has become difficult to open various jars of food and to remove the bottle caps from beverage bottles.

However, in life's Spiritual Phase, we can, to some great degree, achieve equality.

Here is where I am going with this : IF I was able to do what I actually achieved in the below story, YOU TOO can also do it!

Now please read on my friends.

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I experienced a very violent fall in the Dubai airport in the United Arab Emirates on November the 25th, 2016, as I was waiting to board a seven (7) hour flight from Dubai to Hong Kong. After falling, I was examined on-the-spot by three paramedics who placed me on a gurney. After they took my vitals and did a thorough hands-on examination of me, the paramedics told me that I needed to be taken immediately to a local Dubai Hospital. 

I called my wife and I explained what had happened. Although I was in great pain, after talking with my wife about my mental competency (the paramedics agreed that I was of sound mind) I was given three pages of legal medical release hold-harmless forms, I was allowed to (with much assistance) board my seven hour flight to Hong Kong.

At the time, I had my own flat in Hong Kong and I had friends who met me at the airport and took amazing care of me the next three days. No! I did not go through this alone.

In the photos below, I sure look happy don't I? 

I WAS happy because of the caring of my friends!

I flew to Hong Kong where, the next day, November the 26th, 2016, with the help of my friends, I had my personal doctor, at the Saint Teresa Medical Center, examine me complete with a x-rays. My Hong Kong doctor confirmed that my left hip was broken. He wanted to operate on me the next morning.

Because of many reasons (the cost of health care with no medical insurance, the lengthy post operative recovery period, etc) I opted to fly, broken hip, in considerable pain, to the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona.

On Monday morning, the 28th of November 2016, with the help of my friends, I boarded a 12-hour flight from Hong Kong to Seattle, Washington. I had a 3 hour layover in Seattle. Then a 3 hour flight to Phoenix, Arizona, on Monday morning, the 28th of November.

Play the tape all the way through before you drink the drink.

Thanks to another friend with five (5) million airline miles, I was flying Delta Airlines Business Class. You all know what that means. I could lay down and sleep. I had all-the-trimmings of first class flying.

As I looked over the dinner menu, the below words leapt out at me.

Please keep in mind that I had been in considerable pain for three days at this point. 

I studied the above words. I rolled them around in my mind.

"Lord God in Heaven above! A highball sounds great! I am looking at a 12-hour flight. My broken hip is killing me. I am into my third day since my fall. I am exhausted.  Just one little drink would sure take-the-edge off."

"I NEED a drink before I lose my mind with this pain!"

Play the tape all the way through .. Before you drink the drink! Think the drink Before you drink the drink!

My mind continued with : "Who would ever know? Besides! What's wrong with just one drink?"

Play the tape all the way through .. before you drink the drink. Think the drink before you drink the drink!

Instantly I knew that I certainly would not have just one drink.

I knew one of two things would happen IF I took the first drink.

1. I would get some relief from the nagging pain and would want another drink to get more relief.

2. I would not get any relief so I would want another drink in an attempt to take-the-edge-off the pain.

So I would begin with two drinks.

Play the tape all the way through. Think the drink. The man takes a drink. The drink takes a drink. The drink takes the man! Two drinks and it could be 'Katie bar the door time'!'

Then would come the third drink. To get more relief or to get some relief.

"I wonder if the flight attendant would bring me a fourth drink?"

Play the tape all the way through. Think the drink. 

"The very full figured lady across the aisle from me is obviously into eating. I can avoid asking the flight attendant for a fourth drink. I could trade the lady across the aisle my dessert in return for her getting me a fourth drink. Then she would probably get me a fifth one." 
I could not put any weight on my left leg! It took an Act Of God for me to get to the toilet and I was completely sober. How would I manage to get to the toilet in my exhausted condition blitzed-out-of-my-mind after five drinks! The flight crew would know I was drunk. That would be very bad indeed."

I will be arriving into Seattle from Hong Kong so I must pass through International Immigration and Customs. If I am blitzed and probably blacked-out how would I ever make my connection for my flight to Phoenix and the Mayo Clinic? I would miss my connection with my wife who would be distressed out of her mind wondering where I was!

This is why we all continue to keep going to meetings and continue to work the program.

I did NOT take the first drink !! 

I got to Phoenix safely. My wife was waiting for me. I had successful hip replacement surgery the following Thursday, December the 1st, 2016.

What an experience this was!

So in crisis, play the tape all the way through before you drink the drink. 

Think the drink before you drink the drink.

It is a Spiritual Truth that, IF I could do what I actually did, in real pain and discomfort for three days, you reading along here with me have a crisis such as I experienced, you too can remain sober!

Thank You! I am truly honored that you took the time, and had the patience, to read my story!